IMPORTANT: READ CAREFULLY! This Document is a legally binding agreement between you and the Noventiq Company that sets forth the terms and conditions for use of any informative materials placed on the Noventiq Company Website (on pages placed in the domain and in the ** sub-domains), including without limitation any graphic images, software or book descriptions, news, as well as any upgrade files or demo versions. When connecting to (referred to hereinafter as ‘the Website’), viewing its contents or using it for your personal purposes, you acknowledge that you have understood and accepted all the requirements or limitations provided herein. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions for Use, please, refrain from using the Website. The Noventiq Company shall reserve for itself the right to modify the Website’s Terms and Conditions for Use as specified herein without any additional notification of its users; that being said, your continued use of the Website shall mean your consent to any such updated Terms and Conditions.
Any software which can be downloaded from this server (referred to as ‘the Software’) is protected by the copyright laws, being the intellectual property of the Noventiq Company or the indicated vendor. The terms and conditions of the Software use shall be regulated by provisions of the License Agreement (if any) entered into with the end user, which Agreement is provided jointly with every Software unit (referred to as ‘the License Agreement’). Should the end user intend to use / install the Software unit, she or he must agree to the terms and conditions included in the Software License Agreement.
The Software downloaded shall only be possible for use by its end user in compliance with the License Agreement terms and conditions. Any Software reproduction or repeated distribution in violation of the License Agreement provisions shall be banned by law and may entail civil, administrative or criminal liability.
ATTENTION! Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, creation of the Software copies on other servers or on other computers which leads to its possible copying by any other persons, as well as Software reproduction in storage media for distribution shall be forbidden.
Warrantees and guarantees in respect of any Software, if any such warrantees or guarantees are issued, shall be specified in the License Agreements. Thereby, the Noventiq Company rejects issuing any warrantees or guarantees in respect of the Software, including any implied quality guarantees or guarantees of the Software suitability for its intended use or use for any certain purpose, as well as any implied proprietary right or intellectual property right non-violation guarantees, except any warrantees or guarantees as provided for in the License Agreement.
Limitations of Rights
All the Website materials are protected by the copyright laws and constitute intellectual property of the Noventiq Company or any indicated material author. Within the framework hereof, the Noventiq Company shall allow you to make copies of any materials placed on the Website solely for non-profit-oriented use within your entity (or else, if you have entered into a partner contract with the Noventiq Company, within your Customers’ entities), as well as for personal purposes. No other Website material use shall be permitted. This authorisation shall be granted under the condition that these materials are borrowed from the Noventiq Website, and you shall not modify these materials as well as preserving all the indications as to their authors / copyright holders. The authorisation shall be cancelled in case any Terms and Conditions hereof are infringed upon. Any additional limitations may be specified on the pages of the Website jointly with the information they refer to. Except the cases where authorisations are explicitly provided herein, no part of information contained on the Noventiq Company Website may be reproduced in any form or in any way without a prior consent in writing provided by the Noventiq Company or any relevant copyright holder.
Noventiq and Софтлайн (in Cyrillic characters) represent the registered trademarks of the Noventiq Company on the territory of Russia and elsewhere. Any other trademarks, product or service brands and logos (referred to as ‘the Trademarks’) encountered on the Website pages shall be the registered Trademarks of the Noventiq Company and/or other Companies. The Website users forbidden to use any such Trademarks without a prior consent in writing provided by the Noventiq Company or by any other Companies that hold the Trademark rights.
While the provision of the most accurate and reliable information on the Website is one of the tasks set by the Noventiq Company, it shall not assume responsibility for any exclusive information reliability. The Noventiq Company shall reserve for itself the right to modify or delete any part of the information placed on the Website or functionality related thereto, including the Software catalogue and chapter.
All information presented on the Website is provided ‘as it is’ without any guarantees, whether explicit or implied. The Noventiq Company, to the maximum degree allowed by laws in effect, shall waive any liability, whether explicit or implied, including without limitation any implied guarantees of suitability for use, as well as guarantees of a legitimate nature of any information, product or service obtained or purchased using the Website. The Noventiq Company shall issue no guarantees or make any statements as to practicality, legitimacy, equity, accuracy or reliability of the Website or results of its use, as well as any materials placed thereon or on any websites referred to on the Website.
Under no conditions, including without limitations heedlessness or negligence of users, the Noventiq Company shall be liable for any damages (direct or indirect, adventitious or obligate), including without limitation loss of data or profits related to use or unavailability of the Website or any of the Website materials, even if the Noventiq Company or its authorised representative has been notified in advance about any such possible loss. In case use of the Website results in the need for an additional servicing, rectification or maintenance of your equipment or data recovery, any costs incurred shall be referred to you.
Legislative Regulation
Any legal declarations relating to the Website materials or their use shall be regulated by the relevant norms and legal acts of the laws in effect the laws of Thailand.
Links to Websites of Other Companies
The Website may contain links to any other Companies’ websites. When following any such links, you assume the entire risk and possible financial or any other liability related to using any such websites. The Noventiq Company shall not be liable for accuracy, reliability or trustworthiness of any information, data, views, recommendations or statements placed on any such websites. The Noventiq Company provides these links solely in consideration of the users’ convenience, and placement thereof shall not mean approbation of the websites’ contents, including any information, products or services placed thereon.
Full or partial reproduction of any materials published on the Website and in the sub-domains ** shall be allowed by the Noventiq Company with a prior consent in writing, only.